Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Refined Turquoise

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 19: Refined Turquoise
In this week's post I will be doing a piece on nail marbling. Now, before you get a bad case of deja vu, yes, I have used this technique before in my post entitled Marbled Earth. I felt, however, that it was about time I revisited this style for two main reasons. One, Marbled Earth was one of my very first posts, back before I began doing tutorials, and I have had multiple people asking about how I did this design. The second reason is because it is an awesome technique with infinite possibilities and variations. So I thought this a great opportunity to hone my marbling skills.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Cathedral Vogue

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 18: Cathedral Vogue
I'll be honest, I'm a terrible procrastinator, I always have been, but some day I hope to change that... if I can ever get around to it. So when I found myself starting on my nails almost a week in advance it was a huge deal. I decided I wanted to try something a little more intricate and elaborate to take full advantage of my lack of a time crunch. I skimmed through my list of design ideas and found one I've been meaning to try out for quite a while now. Next I scoured through my ever increasing collection to find the perfect pallet of colors that would accurately reflect the ornate beauty of stained glass.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Detour

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 17: The Detour
While sorting through my polishes last week I came across an old one I haven't used in forever, a crackle nail polish. You might remember this craze from a few years back, but for those of you who missed it, and aren't willing to use like 2 seconds to Google it, allow me to explain. Crackle nail polish is a colored polish used over another color that cracks as it dries, revealing little shards of the base underneath. It results in an almost shattered look. So this week I had planned to do a design with this polish, but spoilers... I didn't.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Elegantly Edgy

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 16: Elegantly Edgy
Starting this week's design was rather challenging due to all the incredible people in my life who gifted me with nail polishes and nail art tools for Christmas. As if I didn't already have a hard enough time picking between all my old polishes for blog designs. First world problems, right? So after much thought and consideration, and possibly casting some lots, I decided on a few of my brand new colors to work with!

Monday, January 4, 2016

The Jamberry Experience

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 15: The Jamberry Experience
Now there's something you should know about me, and I'm not exactly proud of this, but I am a terrible trend hater. If it's popular and the 'in thing', chances are I'm going to avoid it at all costs, even if I may have liked it if I had discovered it myself. I can't help it, it's basically programmed into me. So when I saw this weird new craze of Jamberry Wraps blowing up every one of my social media accounts, the mere utterance of the words put a bad taste in my mouth. I mocked and judged from the lofty seat of my self placed nail art connoisseur pedestal. Until one day when I was forced to dip my toes, or fingers more accurately, into the waters of the bandwagon culture that is our world today. An old friend of mine had invited me into one of those online Facebook parties, you know, the ones we use to escape the awkwardness of actual social interactions and having to put on pants. And being the supportive person I am, I decided to participate, throw out a few likes, even some comments, and wouldn't you know it, irony kicked me in the butt. I actually won some free Jamberry Wraps.