Monday, January 11, 2016

Elegantly Edgy

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 16: Elegantly Edgy
Starting this week's design was rather challenging due to all the incredible people in my life who gifted me with nail polishes and nail art tools for Christmas. As if I didn't already have a hard enough time picking between all my old polishes for blog designs. First world problems, right? So after much thought and consideration, and possibly casting some lots, I decided on a few of my brand new colors to work with!

This week's design is a new spin on an old technique I covered a few months back. I wanted to use my two metallics to create a shiny and subtle ombre, but I also wanted to make the design a little bit more edgy, cause who doesn't love a little bit of edge? I started out with a basic pinkish nude base to work from. My goal was to use a color as close to my skin tone as possible in order to create the illusion of emptiness. So if you're going to try this design yourself, your base coast will vary based on your own skin tone.

After allowing the base to dry completely, I actually let mine dry overnight before continuing, I used simple Scotch tape to mask off the edges of my nail leaving only a sharp pointed spike-like shape. I then used the ombre sponging technique covered in my blog 
Autumn Aumbré over the uncovered area. After a couple layers of sponging I carefully removed the tape leaving a beautifully contrasting crisp edge.

 I am absolutely in love with these nails not only because they perfectly portray my contrasting love for all things metallic and shiny as well as all things sharp and dangerous, but every time I look at them I am reminded of the loved ones I have been blessed with. As much as I adore receiving gifts, it means even more to know my friends and family see my blogs and recognize my passions. Because despite what The 5 Love Languages told you, there exists at least one more language, which is mine:
being acknowledged and understood for who one truly is.

Products Used:
- Wet n Wild Megalast - Sugar Coat
- Sally Hansen Miracle Gel - Buffalo Nickel
- Sally Hansen Miracle Gel - Game of Chromes 

1 comment:

  1. Woaw! Ambre-ing shapes is so out of this world!!! �� you'll have to do my nails while they're still long ��
