Monday, November 30, 2015

Neige à Paris

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 14Neige à Paris
A few weeks back in my Mixed Media post I briefly introduced one of my oldest nail hacks: Ring Reinforcers. Now these little stickers have many different styles and names, and quite honestly I had no idea what they were called before I decided to put them in my blog. Thank goodness for Google. And you've probably stumbled across some of these yourself in the deep dark corners of your father's desk drawer or in that odd aisle of office supplies with all that stuff no one actually uses.... or even knows what it is for that matter. Well, allow me to enlighten you.

The original intent of their inventor was that they be placed over the three-ring binder hole of a piece of paper to keep it from ripping out. Reinforcing the ring's hole. Thus, their name. Personally, I find them a rather fascinating invention, seeing as I will always choose good old fashioned files in a binder over files on a computer. But to the rest of the world, these poor little guys are basically useless and on the verge of extinction. But I say, NO. Let us bring back the ring reinforcers with new life and vitality. And let us give them a new name. A French name. For a French Tip.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Black Out

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 13: Black Out
It all began one stormy night in November... the skies roared, the earth quaked in fear, and towering cedars buckled before the might of a wind just shy of hurricane proportion. Thousands left without power, families huddled for warmth, and me discovering doing my nails by candlelight sucks big time.

After 5 days without power, I turned to my oh so hospitable boyfriend, and having already imposed myself upon his home for warm showers and laundry capabilities, I had one more question:
How much will you hate me if your house smells like nail polish for a day?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Glamorous Gray

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 12: Glamorous Gray
Here's a fun fact about me: I adore all things unique and flashy, but at the same time I am obsessed with gray and black and all those shades in between. While you might assume I have to pick between these two passions when it comes to fashion and art, I am here today to prove you wrong. I firmly believe that you don't need a bright color to catch the eye, but through contrast and patterns even a simple gray scale color set can steal the show.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Mixed Media

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 11: Mixed Media
Being the Pinterest roamer that I am, I'm all about those DIYs! But like most people I find myself living in the much overrated 'someday' mindset. So this week I decided to actually try one those brilliant ideas I so often ooh and aww over but never seem to do. Maybe you've seen this idea floating around, or maybe it will blow your mind as it did mine when I first came across it, but apparently you can make your own nail polish color using eye shadow and a clear top coat. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, I guess I'll find out.

My adventure began with a trip to the store where I picked up a beautiful teal CoverGirl eye shadow  and a cheap top coat. Just to add a little design to the idea I grabbed my used and abused silver as well as some ring reinforcers I stole from my father's office ages ago. He never missed them, and I like to believe I gave them a greater purpose in life.

Monday, November 2, 2015

All That Glitters

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 10: All That Glitters
Considering the fact that this whole blog began with the idea that I have enough polishes to use different ones every week and still have enough variety for an entire year, I decided to go through my polishes and see how I've been doing. To my surprise I have used 22 of the 61 colors I currently own in a mere 9 weeks of my 52 week 'challenge'. If you do the math, this is a problem. Why? Allow me to explain.

Based off these numbers, I've used 36% of my polish collection in 17% of the time frame. It does not take a mathematician to realize that this means I will run out of polishes before my year is up. Now, before you jump to the conclusion that my initial statement about being able to do this for a year was a lie, you have to realize that my claim was based off the idea of using only one color per week, but being the artistic person that I am, I cannot limit myself to such constraints. It's just too boring to use one color when I can use an array of colors to make a more intricate design. And even though roughly 2 out of every 10 polishes I use have been used in a post before, I am still burning through my unused color selection far too quickly.

Okay, I did lie, but not about that. I lied when I said this is a problem. Actually this only means I need to keep buying new polishes, which, honestly, how is that a bad thing? So rather than stretching out how many unused colors I introduce each week, let's just bust out three more of those bad boys.