Monday, October 19, 2015

Royal Zebra

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 9: Royal Zebra
Last week I mentioned picking up some nail polish in Ireland, but what I didn't mention was the other nail related purchase I made. This particular item was something I have always seen around, but never actually thought to get for myself. But now, here they were, staring me in the face, priced too cheaply to resist at least trying them out... I was in Ireland for goodness sake. I was ready for adventure. Maybe it was the variety that caught my eye, or maybe it was the beauty of the different shapes, sizes, and colors, sorted into perfectly separate compartments that tugged on the heartstrings of my OCD. Whatever it was, it worked. I caved. I am now the proud owner of metal nail studs.

 As much as I loved the crazy assortment, I decided for my first 'adventure' I would stick to something basic and easy to work with. Small silver circles. In order to perfectly contrast these simple studs I wanted to pick some bold colors and patterns for the underlying polish.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Autumn Aumbré

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 8: Autumn Aumbré
Now before you get your panties all in a bunch, yes, I did just use that phrase, I am indeed aware how to actually spell the word Ombré, but for the sake of visual alliterations, I made do. And if you don't like it... I really couldn't care less.

In an attempt to feed my addiction while convincing myself I'm actually just cultured, it has become a tradition of mine to buy myself a new nail polish, or two, whenever I go traveling somewhere new and extraordinary. And by tradition I mean I've done it twice now.. But just give me time.

Anyways, while I was in Ireland last month I picked up a lovely copper colored polish at a tiny side shop I came across while roaming the streets of Killarney, and ever since that moment I have been absolutely ecstatic about it! Not only do I love all things shiny and metallic, but it is the perfect shade for all the fall color sets I have been planning to do. I really can't even begin to explain how difficult it was to finally settle on which polishes to pair with it for this weeks set. But after much blood, sweat, and tears...

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sweater Weather

  The other day as I was admiring my latest nail polish color and ogling over my color collecting addiction, I told my boyfriend I had enough nail polishes to paint my nails a different color every week for an entire year. To which he responded, "You should do that! And make a blog about it!"

WEEK 7: Sweater Weather
It's that time of year again. The leaves start to wilt and die, the sun begins to show its face less often, and all those pumpkin loving freaks come out of hiding to bask in their season... their kingdom... Autumn. While they squeal about loving the cool, brisk air, the rest of us cold blooded people must find a way to survive...

Thus, this week's nail design is in honor of those essential autumn items that keep me sane and warm until spring returns. To all things furry and knit... I salute you.

To begin my venture I picked out two warm, autumn-esk colors, one brand new, the other nearly as old as I am. Now I know I've talked previously about my love for cheap nail polishes, but I will admit, when the stuff is quality you can tell. Despite the fact that this maroon Artistry Nail Colour was my mother's when I was little (back when I hated the concept of painting my nails), it is still one of the smoothest polishes I own. And nothing quite hammers on my heart like the roller coaster ride of Artistry selling polish, and then discontinuing it, and then selling it again, and then discontinuing it... So when it's here, I buy it. And I never regret it.